AfricArxiv - a community-led digital archive for African research communication: Dr Jo Havmann

Hosted by Martin Delahunty

This week's INSPIRING STEM PODCAST welcomes as our guest is Dr Johanna Havemann, Trainer & Consultant in Open Science Communication.

In 2018, Jo founded AfricArxiv which is a community-led digital archive for African research communication. It provides a non-profit platform to upload working papers, preprints, accepted manuscripts (post-prints), presentations, and data sets via partner platforms.

AfricArxiv is dedicated to foster research and collaboration among African scientists, enhance the visibility of African research output and to increase collaboration globally.

With a background in Evolution and Developmental Biology, Jo's work experience covers NGOs, a science start-up and international institutions including the UN Environment Programme.

With a focus on digital tools for science and her label “Access 2 Perspectives”, Jo aims at strengthening global science communication in general and, with a regional focus on Africa, through Open Science.

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